As part of the LGBT Bar Association of New York’s(LGBT Bar NY) effort to provide and increase access to high quality, culturally competent legal services for members of the LGBTQ community, we offer a Pro Bono Panel (PBP) and a Lawyer Referral Network (LRN). This provides opportunities for solo lawyers, law firms, and legal services organizations to assist the community by offering pro bono services through the PBP, or to obtain potential fee-paying clients through the LRN. Both utilize the LGBT Bar NY Help Platform, which facilitates quick and appropriate referrals. In 2017, 65 providers made themselves available for approximately 1,000 potential consultations.
LGBT Bar NYalso provides several legal services to the LGBTQ community such as LGBT Bar NY’s Helpline and several legal clinics in NY and NJ. Through these legal services and the LRN/PBP referral platform, LGBT Bar NYhelps lawyers and legal services organizations connect with members of the LGBTQ community.
For LRN applicants, individuals must be members in good standing of LGBT Bar NY. If you are not, please join or renew here.
For LRN applicants, please read the Rules for Network Membership, especially Rule 10 regarding calculation and payment of referral fees. Affirmatively applying for the LRN constitutes acceptance of the Rules for Network Membership.
LRN applications will be reviewed by a LGBT Bar NY Board subcommittee for final approval.
Quick Facts
- The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York launched its Lawyer Referral Network on March 2017;
- We received nearly 2200 requests since our launch;
- Referred 1200 consultations to our lawyers in our network;
- And, we are currently adding new features to our network to increase those numbers.